Hearing Aid Use and Satisfaction Study

Hearing Aid Use and Satisfaction Study
I am an undergraduate student representing a joint research team from the University of California Santa Barbara, Auburn University, and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. We are conducting a study about hearing aid use and satisfaction in young adults with hearing loss and are requesting your assistance in finding participants. I myself am a person with a moderately-severe hearing loss, so this topic is important to me. We have created an online survey which is designed for 18 to 35 year- olds with hearing loss who either: (1) currently use hearing aids, (2) used hearing aids in the past, or (3) have never used hearing aids. Depending on answers in the demographics section of the survey, the three types of respondents will automatically be directed to corresponding sections.
We are contacting you to see if you would help us distribute the link (listed below) to the survey to any 18 to 35 year-olds affiliated with your group. If you are willing to assist us, we need the link distributed to potential participants as soon as possible. Participants’ attitudes and opinions will be helpful as we strive to understand hearing aid use and non-use in this young generation of people with hearing loss. Our research has been approved by the UC Santa Barbara Human Subjects Committee and Institutional Review Board. All participants will self select their participation in the study by simply electing to complete the survey and all responses will be kept anonymous.
Listed below is the link that should be distributed to your 18 to 35 year-old members.
If you have any questions about the study, please feel free to contact Jeffrey L. Danhauer, PhD, by phone (805) 451-2232 or email: [email protected].
Thank you for your time and assistance with this project.
Matt Young
Student Researcher
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of California, Santa Barbara

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