Workshop and 3rd Saturday Silent Night Pot Luck gathering 10/15/11 – DFW
Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC is sending a Reminder for the
3rd Saturday Workshop: “Technical Signs Symposium” followed by the 3rd
Saturday Silent Night Pot Luck Social
Seating still available for the last workshop of 2011!
Technical Signs Symposium: A “Hands On” Workshop
Presenter: Phyllis Bullon
Date: October 15, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
CEUs Approved: .6
3929 Seven Gables St.
Fort Worth TX 76133
$35.00 per Certified Interpreter or Deaf Ed. Teacher
$20.00 for Interpreting students.
$20.00 for DARS /DHH employees
Technical signs: signs specific to a particular Academic Subject or
Technical/Shop/Trade situation. This workshop will explore the various signs
used in this demographic region for these shop trades: Welding, Auto paint
and body, Auto Mechanics, Electrical, Electronics, CAD and Composites.
Participants will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills
while participating in various group activities.
Groups will:
* Brainstorm vocabulary/signs for several different topics and compare to my
* Research the on-site Deaf Studies Library and various references
* Share their findings to the group
* Have an opportunity to record their group’s signs for future reference
Participants need to bring at least one blank DVD and if possible, a laptop.
Recordings will be edited and DVDs will be mailed to participants.
Proceeds from the workshop to benefit the 3rd Saturday Silent Night Pot Luck
gathering and the Deaf Studies Reference Library.
3rd Saturday Silent Night Pot Luck Social will follow from 7:00 pm – 12:00
am. Come join us!
Phyllis S. Bullon- President
Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC
DARS-BEI Certified Sign Language Interpreter
Phone: 817-294-SIGN (7446)