Interpreter Workshop: .6 RID CEUs and .3 GENERAL/.3 ETHICS DARS/BEI CEUS APPROVED!

March 17, 2012 Workshop .6 RID CEUs and .3 GENERAL/.3 ETHICS DARS/BEI CEUS APPROVED!


Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC 3rd Saturday workshops is
proud to host:

Dr Adan Penilla, II PhD., NAD IV, NIC, CI/CT, SC:L

About Dr. Penilla:
Dr Adan Penilla II, NAD IV, NIC, CI/CT, and SC: L is currently employed
as a VRS interpreter. He also works at Colorado State University as
an ASL instructor and Pueblo Community College as an English
instructor. He freelance interprets for the Colorado 10th Circuit Court
and the Pueblo, Police Department. He is also a mentor for the Colorado
RID for court room interpreting. Dr. Penilla was an interpreter for the
American Delegation at the World Federation of the Deaf (Vienna 1995).

He has authored:

* The Middle East in ASL,
* Countries from around the World in ASL,
* Cities from around the World in ASL,
* Name Sign Properties in ASL,
* Quick Study Bar Charts in ASL (1st and 2nd ed.), and
* Signing for Dummies, 2nd edition (2012).

His work for Signs of Development includes:

* Around the Globe: Cities in ASL;
*Around the Globe: Countries in ASL;
*Around the Globe: Identification Strategies;
*Around the Globe: Middle East and Islam.

His work for SignMedia includes:

A collaboration with Dr. Dennis Cokely on Countries Around the World.

Dr. Penilla also lectures at National, State, and various educational
institutions on various topics regarding ASL, English, and the myriad
cultural implications that encompass those worlds that matter to us
all. He recently had the honor of presenting at the 2011 National RID
Conference in Atlanta.

Two Great Topics, One Awesome Workshop! .6 RID CEUs APPROVED/ .6

Topic #1: Language vs. Communication: What’s the Difference? (3 hours)
Topic #2: Demand and Control: The Teaming Experience (3 hours)

These workshops target interpreters from all levels and backgrounds who
wish to continue their education and increase their effectiveness.

Date: March 17, 2012
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Goodrich Center for the Deaf (WE HAVE SEATING FOR 60 MORE ATTENDEES)
2500 Lipscomb St.
Fort Worth, TX 76110

Go to for cost, general workshop
information, in depth narratives of the workshop topics and LOTS more!

For special requests/reasonable accommodations, contact or call 817-294-7446

TSID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education
Activities. This Professional Studies program is offered for a total of
.6 CEUs at the Little/None to Some Content Knowledge Level.

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