Free Legal Services – DFW
Do you have a legal problem and cannot afford to hire an attorney?
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program may be able to help.
Join us for the Belo Legal Clinic
When: Wednesday, March 28 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
Belo Mansion
2101 Ross Avenue (Downtown Dallas)
Across from the Cathedral
Sponsor: Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program
Help: All services are free. We will help with the following matters:
* Family Law (divorce, custody, adoption, child support, visitation)
* Consumer Law
* Landlord-Tenant
* Housing
* Wills and Probate
* Benefits (food stamp, AFDC, SSI)
* Employment
If you need interpreters or communication access, please contact
Heather Bise at [email protected] no later than March 26, 2012.
The Deafness Resource Project is funded by DARS/ Office for Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Services and contracted through the Deaf Action
What is the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program?
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program is a joint program with the
Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of North West Texas. Through the
program, attorneys donate their time and legal talents to provide free
legal services to low-income clients who qualify for help.