New DVD! “WinK Presents: S.E.E. Me Fail”
This new DVD includes bits from Wink’s (Windell Smith, Jr.) on-the-road
stand-up comedy performed in American Sign Language with additional
in-studio videos for a one-to-one mentoring experience. Available at
Harris Communications, Wink will have you laughing about Signing Exact
English, forced oralism and just plain ignorance.
According to Wink, his DVD is “Perfect for recovering S.E.E. signers,
ignorant Alexander Graham Bell members, interpreters whose all day job
just got cancelled, ASL students (no joke here, they are fragile), and
of course Deaf clubs to be able to entertain young CODAs at 2am.”
Find “WinK Presents: S.E.E. Me Fail” (DVD387) at Harris Communications
for only $19.99. (DVD is 85 minutes long with stand-up voice
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