Early Bird Registration ASAP! “Refreshing Our Faith” Deaf Conference with Linsay Darnall Jr – DFW

Don’t Miss Early Bird Registration! “Refreshing Our Faith” Deaf
Conference – September 21-23, 2012

“Save $25 when you register for “Refreshing Our Faith” Conference of
the Deaf by September 1, 2012″

Linsay Darnall Jr., is leading workshops for Deaf mentors,
interpreters, a Bible study, and giving a keynote address on “Spiritual
Revival in Deaf America” the weekend of September 21-23, 2012 at Lovers
Lane United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas.

* Friday, September 21: Dinner and “Buildership” workshop on mentoring
Deaf youth and adults, 5pm-9pm.

* Saturday, September 22: Interpreter Workshop on Expressive
Storytelling and lunch, (RID approved CEU’s!), 9am-1pm.

* Saturday, September 22: Dinner, Keynote Address “Spiritual Revival in
Deaf America” and ice cream social, 5:30pm-9pm.

* Sunday, September 23: Bible study, worship and Tex-Mex lunch,

Linsay is Deaf, born of Deaf parents, is from Omaha, Nebraska and an
adult leader in the Junior NAD and has translated for the Bible ASL
Translation video. He received the Outstanding use of American Sign
Language award from the Gallaudet University Theater Department and the
James Sowell Appreciation Award from the Nebraska Association of the

All Deaf, students of ASL, and hearing friends and family of the Deaf
are invited. Lovers Lane is located at 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas
75220. Church groups are invited!

Early bird price for all activities and meals is $100. Separate prices
for workshop and meals are available. Sunday activities, except Sunday
lunch, are free.

To register on-line, go to http://refreshingourfaith.eventbrite.com/

For more information, please contact Rev. Tom Hudspeth, executive
pastor and pastor of the Deaf at thudspeth@llumc.org

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